How did “Small Business Saturday” go for your business this year?
It must have gone well for many small businesses this year, because the amount spent was higher than the estimates predicted.
Check out this article called “Small Business Saturday Spending Exceeded Expectations According to Research from NFIB and American Express” by Cynthia Magnuson-Allen to learn details…
“Washington, D.C., November 27, 2012 – Small businesses across the country got their holiday season off to a strong start as millions of U.S. consumers ‘shopped small’” on Small Business Saturday and made a big impact on local communities.
“According to the second installment of the Small Business Saturday Consumer Insights Survey, released today by the National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB) and American Express, consumer awareness of Small Business Saturday jumped to 67 percent from 34 percent just two weeks ago. Of those aware, nearly half (47%) shopped on Small Business Saturday.
“The increased awareness translated into higher spending. Those U.S. consumers who were aware of Small Business Saturday spent on a total of $5.5 billion with independent merchants. Pre-holiday surveys estimated that U.S. consumers would spend $5.3 billion.
“‘In an uncertain economy, America’s small businesses have remained a beacon—creating good jobs and supporting the families they employ and the communities around them,’ said NFIB CEO Dan Danner. ‘We are very pleased that so many Americans sought to give back by shopping small this Small Business Saturday. We hope that support of small firms, retailers, restaurants and other independent businesses continues throughout the holiday season and all year round. Continued support of this vital sector is one important way to ensure our economy fully recovers and a healthy private sector is restored.’”
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